Sunday, April 09, 2006

7 Simple Steps the Silva Method Can Help You Get More Out of Your Day

Let's face it - time is probably our greatest resource. We never seem to have enough of it and it seems to pass so quickly. Well we won't get any more of it and we can't slow it down.
This is where the Silva Method comes in. The Silva Method training is about learning to lower your brain frequency and developing the alpha mind. The cycle of oscillation is around 14 – 20 cycles per second, and is known as the beta brain-wave state. This is the state of normal conscious awareness and everyday alertness and is where we spend most of aware consciousness. The busier we become, the busier the brain frequency becomes. As our mind becomes focused and relaxed, we are able to enter the alpha state, a state of mind where you are in a meditative level. You can take up your problems and by using the positive energy generated during meditation, visualize and create good happenings in your life!. The cycle of oscillation around 7 - 14 cycles per second is known as the alpha brain wave state. In this state, the mind is able to visualize, yet remain alert but relaxed. Allowing your body and breathing to relax for 10-20 minutes at the alpha state is equal to around three hours of body relaxation and regeneration.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that alpha brain wave activity is associated with inner levels of mental activity, tranquility, rest, inspiration, accelerated healing, creativity, intuition, learning and increased memory. The quality of our life experience—and our ability to live life to the fullest—is a direct result of optimal brain function. Every time you enter the alpha state with the Silva method training, it is like going to a mind spa. This state is designed to effectively help adults and children sharpen and improve their mental performance.
The Silva Method graduates obtain measurable results for both children and adults and those considered to have varying degrees of learning deficits or difficulties. The programs can produce measurable positive impact resulting in improved test scores, higher grade point averages, better concentration and focus and lowered distractibility, among its other important benefits.
Here are some simple steps with the addition of the Silva Method training, to get the most out of your day.
1. Plan your day the night before - At the end of each day, sit down and find a comfortable position. Close your eye lids and relax. Now mentally go through your day and see the things you would like to achieve. Open your eyes and begin to write down all the things you need to do the following day to achieve your goals. Pull together all the information you will need i.e. phone numbers and relevant paperwork.
2. Prioritize the list – While at alpha state, number each item on your list and do the undesirable jobs first. There's always the temptation to do the easy jobs first. However, think how the idea of doing the undesirable jobs hangs over you as you do the easy stuff. Think how good you will feel when the undesirable jobs are out of the way and how motivated you will feel.
3. Stick to your list - check off each item as you go and don't let yourself be distracted. Avoid the temptation to handle the telephone and e-mails as they come in. The phone is hard to ignore but you could always pull out the plug and let it go to voice mail and switch off the email program. Make an agreement with yourself to check for messages every two hours or so.
4. Remember the Three "D's" - do it, delegate it or dump it. Handle each piece of paper only once. Either do something about it now, delegate it to someone else or chuck place it in the trash. And remember - "Only do it if you are the only one that can do it."
5. Don't procrastinate - procrastination really is the "Thief of Time." It is so easy to put things off until another time or until “I've had time to think about it." DO IT NOW!
6. Plan your leisure time – Another great thing about the Silva Method Training is by entering alpha state, you will learn to project yourself mentally and to learn to project yourself mentally to your idea place of relaxation and relive those moments that gave you peace and happiness.Take up activities that need you to be at a certain place at a certain time. Instead of just "going to the gym," book a fitness class or an appointment with a personal trainer or coach.
7. Be honest with yourself – Dream control is a profit technique for asking - "Is what I'm doing now getting me to where I want to get to?" By entering the alpha state, your can program if the answer is "no," change what you're doing.This is the easiest way to get more out of your day and more out of your life.
Join the Silva Method BLS Class April 22-23, 2006 in Cary North Carolina – at the Best Western Hotel