Sunday, May 16, 2010

Success Coaching Turned Poet Into Author

Stephanie Perry talks about how attending Leslie's Think and Grow Rich Mastermind Classes and Jessie's Silva Method Classes has inspired her new book, Basima's Blues...The Many Faces of Me. 
Writing poetry has been a creative expression for Basima since she was 12 years old. While growing up in the cultural borough of Bedford Stuyvesant Brooklyn, she found herself writing vividly about the love and despair that surrounded her. Often those who read her words would comment on the impressions they were left with-feelings of redemption, reflection, acceptance. It wasn’t until Basima started performing spoken word that she began to experiment with the powerful energy of music to accentuate her poetic delivery. What has resulted is a unique voice for a new age. You will hear her wisdom, you will hear her pain, but above all else, you will feel her love. Basima has performed at open mike sessions from New York City to Florida.
 Click Here To Order Here Book 

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Learn effective tips to Overcome It! Empower yourself Monday mornings with 15 minutes of inspirational coaching with Silva Method Life and Business Coach Jessie Bowen and Bob Proctor LifeSuccess Coach Leslie Flowers. For more information on Jessie's and Leslie's coaching classes. New Course Starting June The Secret to Winning the Lottery Visit Jessie's website @ and Leslie's website For FREE Coaching email or call 919-489-6100.


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