Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Develop your Business and Personal intuition

Develop your Business and Personal intuition

Nine in ten people have the wrong idea about intuition. Why? Most of us believe that intuition is a talent. That only a privileged few possess the ability to ever fully realize their intuitive senses, and reap the rewards that come with it.

The resources we use as entrepreneurs and professionals are many: creative abilities, past experience, education, logic, analysis, and intuition. Intuition can be defined as knowing something without conscious use of reason.

In fact, it’s more than trainable. It’s a natural skill that we’re all born with. The bond between babies and moms, the high creativity of kids, much of this is credited to our natural human intuition.

Successful executives use their Intuition to make profitable business decisions. In fact, a recent study shows that 62% of CEOs rate GUT FEELINGS as being highly influential in their business decisions

Successful people often talk about using their sixth sense, their gut feeling, their business instincts.
People like Oprah and Donald Trump largely attribute their success to using intuition.

If you're successful, you already know this. Whether it's conscious or not, you've found a way to leverage your intuition when it's time to make a quick decision, even without all the facts. Ultimately, we all run into tough business situations. The defining factor of sustainable success is not to avoid these circumstances... but rather to leverage the cards you've been dealt to your best advantage!

Silva International of Laredo TX has created and all new program called the Silva Intuition System and taught locally by Jessie Bowen Certified Lecturer and Coach. This System is far more advanced, and the program is built on the concept that Intuition can provide you with more information than what you have available right now.

Most of us rely exclusively on our left brain when it comes to decision-making. And that's a good thing! The left side of the brain processes logical, intellectual and factual information which essential in problem-solving. But it doesn't give you the full picture...

The right side of your brain stores and processes abstract, subjective and creative information (this is called "divergent thinking" in Psychology). The problem is that this side of the brain is not language-based. Which means it won't come up in your conscious mind as a list of pros and cons, like the left brain information would. Instead, it relies on Emotional Intelligence to provide input on the problem you're trying to solve.

Emotional Intelligences is the process by which you receive relevant information from your sub-conscious mind by experiencing an emotion. All this stuff that you don't remember from college, from overhearing a conversation at the restaurant, from a business book you read 5 years ago is stored in your sub-conscious mind, ready to be processed by your right brain.

The Only Thing Standing Between You And What We At The Silva Method Call Total Intuitive Living is the Resistance within Your Mind

And once you remove this resistance to intuition, you’ll be able to up your intuitive ante in every way and begin experiencing high-level intuitive living in your business and personal life.

Attend a 4-Week Mastermind TeleCoaching Program with Ken Coscia and Jessie Bowen.

Ken Coscia Siva International Training Director and Coach. Jessie Bowen Silva Lecturer, Coach and Business Expert

Class Topic: Focusing Your Life Intuition Mastermind Coaching TeleClass Class Start Thursday April 1 - April 22, 7:00 - 8:30 EST. Click Here For More Information

Upcoming Live Silva Intuition Classes

· April 24-25 Durham, NC http://silvaintuitionclass.eventbrite.com/

· May 1 & 2, 2010 Hartford, Connecticut http://www.silvamethodct.com/schedule.html

Friday, March 26, 2010

How to Develop Your Intuition

How to Develop Your Intuition

Why is it desirable to develop your intuition? Your intuition is the means by which you receive information from that wise, infinite part of you on the spiritual plane, your Higher Self. As such, your intuition can assist you in making decisions, setting goals for yourself, and aligning with your life purpose.

Many people don't think they are intuitive. But it is actually fairly simple to develop your intuition. It just takes a little mindfulness and practice. Here are six steps you can take in your life to develop your intuition:
  • Make room for the possibility

    If you are convinced that intuition does not exist, or that it simply is not available to you, nothing will be able to persuade you otherwise. Remember that whatever you believe shapes your reality. It's fine to have doubts, or to be a little apprehensive. But in order to develop your intuition, you must at least allow for the possibility of its existence and validity. Open yourself to the idea that you are a highly intuitive being. Imagine all the information that might be available to you, if only you'll allow for the possibility.
  • Ask for guidance

    Opening up to just any information makes it hard to discern intuitive guidance when it arrives in your life. Instead, focus on a specific topic or question that you wish to receive guidance on. Write that topic or question down, and ask your Higher Self for help with the issue. In this way, guidance will be easier to recognize when it comes in. When you are first working to develop your intuition, it is good to focus on a specific subject.
  • Create space to receive

    Guidance may come in many ways. You may suddenly become inspired in an unexpected way - or suffer an extreme lack of inspiration in other areas. You may forget or remember items on your way out of the house. You may feel sudden impulses to do something differently. A friend or acquaintance may suddenly offer up the answer you've been looking for all along. Spiritual guidance comes to us in many ways. It is subtle and integrates itself seamlessly into the fabric of our lives. In order to develop your intuition, you must create some space within which you can allow guidance to unfold. Look at your life events from the perspective of receiving guidance. You may be surprised at the many hints that have been coming your way all along!
  • Take action

    Guidance is only as good as what you do with it. If intuitive information is never acted upon, it remains useless. It does take courage to act on your intuitive instincts. When you develop your intuition, reason and logic sometimes has to take a back seat to gut feeling. Try acting on guidance in small ways at first, to help you develop confidence. Then you can begin applying your intuition to more important life decisions.
  • Let go of the outcome

    When you develop your intuition, you may find that you have a great need to be "right." However, intuitive guidance is a moment by moment process. What is right for you today may not be right for you tomorrow. You are, after all, one day richer in life experiences. You are no longer the same. Therefore, what you need today may differ from what is aligned with your highest good tomorrow. Act on guidance as it occurs. Let go of the outcome. We all think we know how a situation should unfold. In reality, life may present something far better than we could possibly have imagined.
  • Acknowledge assistance

    Develop a sense of gratitude towards your Higher Self. It works hard to offer you the information that serves your highest good. Acknowledge the wealth of assistance that has come into your life. Thank your Higher Self often. As you do this, you are acknowledging the greatest part of your own being.
As you develop your intuition, you will discover yourself navigating through life with a broader perspective. You will discover the untapped resources that are available to you for the asking. You will begin to recognize yourself as a spiritual being living a human experience. 

4-Week Mastermind TeleCoaching Program with Ken Coscia and

Jessie Bowen

Focusing Your Life Intuition
Mastermind Coaching TeleClass

Class Start Thursday April 1 -  April 22,  7:00 - 8:30 EST

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Silva Method Meditation for Children

Silva Method Meditation for Children
For information visit http://silvalifesuccesscoaching.com/

Silva Method Meditation for Children is being looked into
more and more because Meditation for child development is a
must. Guided Silva Method Meditation for Children can help
them understand the fundamentals of meditation more clearly.
The benefits are never-ending.

If you are a parent, Silva Method Meditation for Child development
would be the best gift you could ever bestow on them. You would
lead them into a stress free life and a calmer sense of being.

Children carry a great deal of stress in their lives, much
more than adults realize. Kids appear so carefree, but often
in their quieter moments, their young minds are trying to
make sense of the world that can be confusing, frustrating,
and downright unfair.

Silva Method Meditation for Children is an excellent method
of teaching children the basics of self imposed relaxation
techniques to help them get themselves over their hurdles.
Often, the grown up world views Silva Method Meditation for
Children as an extension of play, which done appropriately
it should be but with enough structure and self awareness
that the child receives the benefits of meditation from his time.

Silva Method Meditation for Children provides a healthier
balance in the world than simply zoning out in front of some
electronic form of mind control. This form of self
discipline can teach the younger generation how to take time
out whenever they need it, refocus, and return to the world
at large feeling more in control of their reactions to the

Of course, Silva Method Meditation for Children is
going to presented a bit differently than that which we teach
adults. Telling a 4 year old to sit still and breathe deeply
might work once for a brief moment, but ultimately if it
isn’t fun, they’re not going to be interested.

Children expert Jessie Bowen a Silva Method Certified
Child Meditation specialist, is on staff at Duke University
where he teaches the Silva Method meditation concepts
to improve relaxation, visualization skill, learning retention and
memory. He is also a 9th Degree Karate Black Belt and World
Champion he adds light tai chi exercise in his program
introducing young children to thoughtful contemplation
through a series of slow but fun body movements that gently
end with the child in the seated position. Practicing together of course
makes it much more fun for the little ones.

Learning the benefits of meditation as it is intended for
family members under the age of 10 can set your offspring up
for a lifetime of peaceful and controlled calm under a great
deal of stress. Silva Method Meditation for Children offers
young ones the power within their own mind to handle stress
much more effectively than those who turn to electronics or
even sports for stress management.

Any form of outside controlled stress management is not going
to be as effective as internally available stress management.
Meditation techniques for children are always available, the soccer
field is not.

One of the greatest benefits of Silva Method Meditation for
Children is the side effect of learning self control, self
acceptance, and self awareness. These three key factors help
kids avoid the dangers offered by the childhood world as
well as the adult world. A child who knows how to love
himself and to control himself is less likely to experiment
with drugs, sex, or other high risk activities.

Quiet reflection and deliberation designed for kids is one of the
more powerful success tools we can equip them with for their
progress in the world now as well as the future. While it
may not be easy to get an entire brood on board with the
notion of meditation, a little professional assistance to
learn the process can often help facilitate the process.

Kids need every ounce of support they can get in this world,
and providing them with the key to self support via Silva
Method Meditation for Children is a very loving seed planted
in their souls that is likely to grow for their lifetime.